USGS Study on Elkhorn Coral Restoration in the Dry Tortugas

Nursery-grown elkhorn coral transplanted into Dry Tortugas National Park survived and thrived, growing twice as fast as corals planted in other locations in the Florida Keys, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey study published in Endangered Species Research. USGS researchers are studying the growth and success of nursery-grown transplanted corals in the Florida Keys; research … Read more

Roughing it on Garden Key in the Dry Tortugas

Greetings from Garden Key. The most remote campground in Florida comes with clean air and unspoiled views. GARDEN KEY, DRY TORTUGAS — “We have our coral reef eco-system, We have our seabirds behind us,” says Glenn Simpson pointing behind him while looking forward at one of the most remote locations to camp overnight in Florida. Appropriately … Read more

Prime Snorkeling in the Dry Tortugas

Greetings from the Dry Tortugas. Scott Fais explores Garden Key with National Park Service Manager Glenn Simpson. By Scot Fais, Feature Reporter DRY TORTUGAS, THE FLORIDA KEYS, MONROE COUNTY — Costs and travel planning information appears below the following story.Mornings start early along the waterfront in Key West. The predawn boarding call aboard the Yankee Freedom … Read more