World Famous GRIMAL GROVE After 160mph Winds Video

This legendary tropical fruit property in the Florida Keys had a massive hurricane roll through 2 years ago, so everyone’s been wondering… How did this 60+-year-old Grimal Grove recover after another battling round of catastrophic winds? After Hurricane Irma’s colossal damage to Big Pine Key, the losses were extreme, our friend Patrick Garvey didn’t give up. Since that time, he’s been recreating the grove along with community assistance, making for a very inspiring story.

This time around, Patrick has implemented more species into the grove that will perform better in any future storms, while providing far more than just a collection of rare tropical fruits. Grimal Grove is now expanding into some new valuable opportunities for the grove & those who enjoy the fruits grown here. Patrick Garvey acquired this historic property back in 2013, after 2 long years of planning, paperwork, politics & patience.

Grimal GroveThis is the estate that once belonged to Adolf Grimal, a notorious rare tropical fruit collector. This precious 2-acre parcel has served as an incubator to hold the original specimens from which thousands of tropical fruiting trees in the U.S. have originated from. There are countless stories of how some of our favorite tropical fruit trees came through this location. Adolf Grimal spent the bulk of his days working with the land to create a safe home for his beloved tropical fruits from around the globe.

If you would like to learn more about Grimal Grove, are planning a visit, or if you would like to support the massive undertaking efforts, you can learn more through the website: Facebook: Instagram:

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