REEF Ocean Explorers Summer Camp will immerse you into an ocean of learning and fun! Explorers will be exposed to the underwater world, all of its amazing creatures, and a week filled with creative activities and adventures. Discover all that the ocean has to offer and experience conservation actions in the sunny, salty, and the wonderful Florida Keys.
June 19-23 at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
July 10-14 at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
July 17-21 at Postcard Inn in Islamorada
July 31-Aug 4 at Postcard Inn in Islamorada
Camp Hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Courtesy early drop-off at 8:30 am and late pick up until 3:30pm
Who: REEF camp is recommended for children ages 7-13
$300 Camp Tuition Includes:
⦁State Park entry fees/ Facility usage fees
⦁Activity, field excursion, and equipment fees
⦁REEF water bottle and t-shirt
⦁Photo Package
REEF will provide a few camp scholarships based on financial situation, hardship, or need of the child. Click here for the Scholarship Application.
Campers are responsible for bringing a sack lunch each day or can add a $50 camp box lunch option for the week. The nutritious meal will include a sandwich (turkey, ham, tuna, cheese, peanut butter and jelly), chips, fruit, and a drink. REEF will provide an afternoon snack each day.
For more information click here REEF Ocean Explorers