Key Largo Anything that Floats Race

It’s crazy and fun — an event for everyone!

Anything that FloatsGrab your oars and anything that floats and come on down and enjoy this family-fun Key Largo festival, Anything that Floats Race on Blackwater Sound, mile marker 104, bayside in Key Largo, Florida Keys. The fun begins from Sundowners Dock, mm 104, bayside, Key Largo (305-451-4502).

That’s right. It’s anything that floats. Homemade vessels of materials that you can find around your house: cardboard, wood, PVC, duct tape, milk jugs, 5 gallon buckets, saran wrap, old t-shirts, outdoor furniture, old bikes, and pool noodles. Just no motors, inflatable rafts, foam, or pool toys are allowed.

Prizes will be awarded for: Fastest: 2 person team, 4 person team, or unlimited team, Best decorated boat under 18 feet, best decorated boat over 18 feet, Best Looking Crew (in costumes), and the best hard luck story. Boats check in at 2 pm on Saturday and then should be ready to race by 3 pm off Sundowners dock. Every boat is a winner!

Enter a homemade vessel, join the regatta on Blackwater Sound, or cheer on your favorite team from land as the contestants navigate the course from the Caribbean Club to Sundowners and back, then as the sun sets, enjoy the sounds of local bands as they play to the crowd from land at mile marker 104.

The event takes places the third Saturday of August (3 p.m. on August 15, 2015). The Captains’ Party will be held at 7 p.m. at Senor Frijoles on Friday, August 14, 2015.

Click here to download the Key Largo Anything That Floats Race entry form and rules.

Related Post  Summer in the Florida Keys: Best Places Not in Key West

Source: Key Largo Anything that Floats Race

2 thoughts on “Key Largo Anything that Floats Race”

  1. Hello

    Please let me know if you are going to do a Anything Float Regatta in 2017. Thank you

    • I haven’t seen anything about this event in Key Largo since the 2015 race. Their website is empty so my guess is they have dissolved.

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