Florida Keys Yellow Spotted Stingray – Video

YELLOW STINGRAY Urobatis jamaicensis

Also know as Yellow Spotted Stingray. They inhabit shallow inshore waters, where they are typically found foraging in sandy or muddy flats near coral reefs or rocky formations. They utilize sandy flats and areas of sea grass in order to forage for small crustaceans and mollusks, while also using the deep sand and sea grass for protection from larger predatory fish species.

Yellow stingray are able to adjust their colors and patterns very rapidly to match their current surroundings, which helps them blend into their environment to avoid predators and trick prey. This species is Venomous and should be handled accordingly as these animals have an extremely painful sting. If you do get stung immediately soak it in hot water and call a doctor.


Disc round.  Yellowish in color with darker vermiculations or spots dorsally, whitish below. Tail stout with caudal fin well developed (rounded).  No dorsal fin.  Venomous spine located just anterior to the caudal fin.

Commonly found along sandy beaches to the water’s edge, and especially in sandy areas in and around coral reefs.  Found to depths of ~80 feet.

Benthic feeder.  Feeds mainly on bivalves and marine worms and also takes shrimp, crabs, and small fishes.

Aplacental viviparity. Three to four pups per litter.

Wingspan up to 14 inches.

Non-aggressive species of little danger to humans with the exception of their defensive venomous barb located near the base of the tail.  Avoid handling or exercise extreme caution. Do the “Stingray shuffle”.

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