Grouper Hogfish and Blueline Tilefish seasons reopen May 1 in Atlantic 

The following species of Grouper Hogfish and Blueline Tilefish seasons reopen May 1 in Atlantic waters. will reopen to recreational harvest May 1 in Florida state and federal waters of the Atlantic: hogfish; blueline tilefish; gag, black, red, yellowmouth and yellowfin grouper; scamp; red hind; rock hind; coney; and graysby.

Grouper Fishing Species Grouper Hogfish

Hogfish will remain open through Oct. 31, 2022, on the east coast of Florida as well as south and east of Cape Sable on the Gulf coast. Grouper species listed above will remain open through Dec. 31, 2022, on the east coast of Florida and all state waters off Monroe County.

Hogfish Grouper Hogfish

More information about bag and size limits, gear restrictions and fishing seasons for these species is available online at; select “Recreational Regulations.”

Source: Grouper, hogfish and blueline tilefish seasons reopen May 1 in Atlantic 

Grouper in Monroe County

Several species of Atlantic grouper (red, black, yellowfin, yellowmouth, scamp, rock hind, red hind, coney and graysby) are closed Jan. 1 – April 30 in all state and federal waters of the Atlantic including all state waters off Monroe County (Atlantic and Gulf sides). During this closure, anglers can harvest grouper in open federal waters of the Gulf and return to port in Monroe County by traveling through closed state waters of the Atlantic as long as the vessel proceeds directly to port without stopping to fish.

Grouper are managed differently in Gulf versus Atlantic and in state versus federal waters.

Gulf state waters are from shore to 9 nautical miles.

Atlantic state waters are from shore to 3 nautical miles.

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Note: In the Atlantic reef fish fishery, gear rules require dehooking tools, and as of Jan. 1, 2021, non-stainless steel hooks in all state waters, and non-offset circle hooks N. of 28 ° N. latitude.

Fish that are caught in deep water often experience barotrauma from being reeled up from depth. Barotrauma occurs when gases expand in a fish’s tissues and organs causing internal damage and bloating. When released, these fish can struggle to return back to depth and consequently die. The effects of barotrauma and release often lead to a high number of fish dying unless fish are released properly.

The Solution

Releasing Fish Responsibly
Releasing fish responsibly means being prepared and using appropriate best handling practices any time you plan to release a fish after it’s been caught. It’s our responsibility to do our best to ensure the fish we release survive to grow, spawn and be caught again.

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